“Love heals. Heals and liberates. I use the word love, not meaning sentimentality, but a condition so strong that it may be that which holds the stars in their heavenly positions and that which causes the blood to flow orderly in our veins.”

-Maya Angelou, Mom & Me & Mom


Mother Country is a personal project started by Annie in 2017. Shot all on film, Annie is profiling what it is like to be a mother in todays world. She photographs all walks of motherhood and a new editorial is released bi-annually.


What has torn me down, built me up, crushed me, filled me up, and been the most challenging aspect of being a woman…being a mother.

Yes, being a mother is greatly rewarding and the love that seeps from my heart is unmeasurable. It is also fiercely challenging and blindingly painful at times. As a single mother I am constantly grappling with my identity, my independence and my career.

I am translating what its like for ALL mothers in this world today through intimate portraits. Young mothers, older mothers, single mothers, mothers who have lost children and children who have lost mothers. I am looking at the private moments when we are struggling to find time to be who we are and also the moments we realize just how much love one can hold in their heart. This is a long term photo essay of the many women I am lucky enough to call friends, peers, and inspirations.